Monday, September 6, 2010

Rite Aid 9/04

Colgate 2/$3.00
Listerine $3.99
Boudreaux's Butt Paste $3.99
Crest $2.69

Coupons Used :
$1.00 colgate
$2.00 Listerine
$1.00 Rite aid listerine
$1.00 crest
$3.00 butt paste
$3.00 UP

Total before $13.67
Total after $2.67

CVS 9/05

CVS trip 9/05/10

Wisk B1G1 $8.99 each
Aqua Globes $2.99
SoBe water B1G1 $1.69 each
Air Wick $4.99

Coupons used:
$3.00 Wisk
$1.00 Wisk
$3.00 on any tv item ( from scanner)
$4.00 Air wick
B1G1 SoBe --$1.69
$5.00 extra bucks ( expired 9/5 so had to use it up)

Total before $29.34
Total after $1.03

No extra bucks earned on this trip though :(

Friday, September 3, 2010


My trip to Rite-Aid:
Tone body wash $2.99
Kotex $3.50 x 2
Listerine $3.99
Always .99 x 2
M & M's $2.50 x 3
Pilot pens $1.00 x 3

Coupons used:
$1.00 Tone
$1.00 Kotex
$1.00 Kotex
$1.00 Listerine
$1.00 Listerine (rite aid c/0)
$1.00 always
$1.00 always
B1G1 free M & M's --- $2.50
$1.00 pilot
$1.00 pilot
$5.00/$25.00 rite aid c/o
$1.00 UP
$1.00 UP

Total before $26.46
Total after $7.96